About us

A global leader of ICT technological convergence, HOW@ Co., Ltd.


Technology is state of the art!
Technology is state of the art!

HOW@ Co., Ltd. is a venture business established after years of preparation in order to offer ICT technological developments and services, cable and wireless modems, and embedded products in a greater abundance.

Our company offers a range of product devices and the Internet based services that add productivity and convenience to our clients’ lives in the safest and healthiest way possible.

We provide technologies and services that our clients need such as PC-related services, hardware equipment and components, communications devices, and Internet services, in places where they need them. Instead of blindly seeking to increase our organization's size, we would like to contribute to humanity and society through robust and smart technologies and services.

To realize a healthy, affluent and convenient information communication society, we promise that HOW@ will not cease its efforts in research and development of thoughtful and sophisticated products, devices, and services that truly deserve to be called as “masterpieces.” In addition, we will make greater efforts in the area of happy social welfare shared with our neighbors in order to make even a small contribution to happiness and peace of our society.

Company overview

Company name HOW@ Co., Ltd. CEO Joe Jine Yeon
Date of establishment January 19, 2005 Capital KRW 700 million
Business area Wireless video communication models and terminal devices Homepage www.howa.biz
Headquarters address #421, Buliding B, Institute of Fusion Technology, Chungbuk National University, 45, Yangcheong 4-gil Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do




BEST TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION + 최고의 인재개발 + 초이익 실현을 통한 사회기여 → 녹색기반의 전기·전자 융합을 통한 통신/Sensor System 개발 → 최고의 기술혁신과 서비스를 통한 고객만족 = 그린 IT & 통신 기술의 FRONTIER COMPANY

Management policy

  • r&D = R&d = R&D
  • BUY ≥ MAKE